Become A Better Communicator

When we communicate with others, there is a preferred speed at which people who are listening have the highest amount of connectability—the ability to hear, comprehend, and understand our words. By communicating confidently, we build an intimate connection with our clients, prospects, and audiences.

Listenable Rate Of Speech: 160 Words Per Minute

The one-hundred-sixty word rate adds an element of dignity to your voice. The one-hundred-sixty word rates also gives a sound image to your audience that establishes both you and your company as efficient and well-organized. To give the audience the kind of impression of yourself and your company that you wish, speak correctly, speak at one-hundred-sixty — that’s one-hundred sixty words per minute. Get out a stop watch and see where your listenable rate of speech is!

Read the following passage out loud and time yourself:

As a representative of your organization, it is important that you speak clearly. That means that you must articulate. It also means that you must speak so that you can be understood. Although there is no set rate of speech, most expert speakers talk at between one-hundred-forty and one-hundred-sixty words per minute. That is a good speed for verbal communication. It is not too fast to be understood. It does not give the listener the impression that you are under pressure nor is it too slow.

The one-hundred-sixty word rate adds an element of dignity to your voice. The one-hundred-sixty word rate also gives a sound image to your audience that establishes both you and your company as efficient and well-organized. To give the audience the kind of impression of yourself and your company that you wish, speak correctly, speak at one-hundred-sixty—that’s one-hundred sixty words per minute.

If you read the passage above in 60 seconds, you are reading at 160 words-per-minute, which is the preferred speed. If you’re at 75 seconds, you could be considered a bore by your audience or the person with whom you are communicating. If you read the above passage faster than 60 seconds, your audience or person with whom you are communicating just might consider you a salesperson—the stereotypical fast-talking, non-listening kind.

Many first-time OUT LOUD readers read much faster than 60 seconds. Many of us speak just a little too fast, period. We’re too busy telling versus having a conversation.

Chuck’s Professional Pointer:

Speak in a tone and speed to your audience or client as if you were reading a Dr. Seuss book out loud to a small group of children.

Seussem’—Gain That Communication Connection

In an effort to speak like a polished speaker or presenter, try this technique: speak in a tone and speed to your audience or client as if you were reading a Dr. Seuss book out loud to a small group of children.

Imagine for a moment:  you have a small gathering of children sitting around you on the floor, looking up at you as you prepare to read your most favorite Dr. Seuss book. “One fish… two fish… red fish… blue fish!” Or… “Did you ever fly a kite… in bed? Did you ever walk… with ten cats on your head?” As I say to my audiences that I train in public speaking, “You Seussem’” (your clients and audiences)!

Now, what Seussem’ means is that you are speaking at 140-160 words-per-minute. You articulate, you use a correct voice pitch, pause, and pace. Pitch means your voice quality, pause means using silence to “cliff hang” or emphasize a point, and pace is the correct listenable-rate-of-speech you should be at.

Make Better Presentations By Becoming a Better Communicator

Many of my students or audience participants will go as far as taking the presentation they use in their job and read it out loud into a digital recorder. Then they play it back and are able to check their own listenable rate-of-speech pitch, pause, and pacing. By listening to themselves, they are able to coach themselves by refining their presentation over and over again.

I wish for all of you the wonderful ability to communicate confidently. For most, this is a learned skill and, by implementing these steps in this short training, you have taken that one step that I hope will lead to many others, others that will help you communicate confidently with all those people you touch with your words.

11 Responses

  • thank you for your tips, i am currently working for a home based business that is cold calling over the phone. it actually is the best program that I have worked for , but im just not closing deals so im trying to coach myself to be a successful salesman. thank you again, any other advice will help

    • Jamie,

      Congratulations on reaching out here at the website to learn more about the sales trade. With over 30 free videos and 50 articles, you can self teach yourself on many skills and techniques. If you are doing outbound phone cold calling, make sure to read up on my article titled “Having Sales PMS?” This will help you keep FOCUSED on your revenue producing activites each day.

      Another tool for you would be . . . Phone – A Tool or Tryant? I will e-mail that to you directly. Beyond that, check out SalesJava and make sure to register for my free SalesMastery Book of Quotes.

      Keep me posted on your progress!

  • I timed myself and was at 60 seconds on the button. I have had lots of experience reading aloud. Interesting session.

  • Hey Chuck! Its Jamie again 2 yrs later….same place but I actually own a portion of the business! Thank you again for your listening techniques, and the slower sales pitch, that has made me grow into the man I am today. My program is growing stronger every month, and ACTUALLY making other people money as well.

  • Excellent tip. Improving my listenable rate of speech has improved my selling percentage greatly. Thank you, Chuck. You rock!

  • Chuck,

    I am a traditional Technology Engineer going into business for myself as an IT Consultant. I am excellent at the technical communications but I am a bum at sales. I need to perfect my sales technique to initiate sales communication and close sales contracts. What tools do you recommends for a Sales Dummy like myself to increase my presentation and sales vocabulary?

  • Hi Chuck,
    I’ve just made the first pass through your book Sales Mastery and all I can say is WOW!

    I’m an electronic engineer by profession and have been involved in designing products for many years. I’ve recently started up a consultancy business and needed to learn about sales.

    Your book is a great read, thought provoker and is a great grounding in sales techniques. I never knew just how exciting this field could be.

    Thanks for all the help and the pointers and I look forward to thanking you personally some day.

  • Thank you for the great reminder Chuck. I remember the first time we did this was 2007, and at the time I often would come across as scolding versus teaching. Great reminder this morning, thank you!

  • Chuck is the MAN!! I took his seminar at a Debt settlement company for almost 18 months and STILL use his advice daily! Keep up the good work CHUCK!!!! Your da BOMB!!

  • Great content Chuck!

    I love the Dr. Seuss technique. Talking too fast is one of the biggest problems with speakers. Owning a presentation business; I’ll have to pass this post along to some of my clients.
