Clients’ Believability Scale (C.B.S.)

One of the most powerful statements that Chinese philosopher Confucius ever made as it relates to YOUR presentations was the following:

“I hear, and I forget; I see, and I remember; I do, and I understand.”

As you can see in the graphic below, the C.B.S is displayed as a stoplight, with red, yellow, and green sections. This color-coordination represents the tactics you are using and lets you quickly identify progress and professionalism—or lack thereof.

  1. Understand the psychology behind the CBS. Green means you are at the HIGHEST level of believability. Red means STOP that activity!
  2. Implement the C.B.S. tactics in all presentations, all face-to-face encounters, over the phone, in webinars, over video, Skype, etc.
  3. Print out this high-resolution graphic and place it in a visible place in your office.
  4. The high-resolution version can be loaded on Facebook as a photo.
  5. Sales managers—forward to your sales teams.
  6. Forward this page to all salespeople you know–they will gain an advance in their sales!
  7. Remember for latest version.

Congratulations on taking the next step to furthering your income!

Categories: Articles, Blog