Use Visual Impressions to Advance Your Sales

Sales Are About Making An Impression.

I’ve had the pleasure of working with a lot of great salespeople through the years. But it always stands out when you meet a true sales master. You’ve been in a boring, dry sales office before. There’s no personality, no pizazz. Nothing. Just a plain professional desk. Some paperwork. Maybe the company logo.


Sales Are About Personality

Getting someone to want your product is only the beginning. Depending on what you’re selling, they may have walked into your office already geared up to buy from SOMEBODY. The trick is to convince them to buy from YOU. And if you want people to buy from you, they have a sense of who you are. They need to see a little bit of your personality in your sales office.

Sales Are About Motivation

Why are you in sales? What motivates you to show up to work every day? And by the way, “I want to make money.” is a totally valid response here. There’s nothing wrong with trying to pay your bills and save up for retirement. If it motivates you to close sales, it’s great! So why wouldn’t you want things around your office to remind you to stay motivated?

Sales Are About Persuasion

Whether you’re trying to persuade yourself to push a little harder or trying to convince a customer that you’re the guy (or gal!) they want to buy from, you have to be persuasive. So put things around your office to look at that will aid your sales. Put up your Mavericks memorabilia. Your customers will have something to talk about when they see it. Meanwhile, you’ll see it and think about those season passes you’re saving up for. Whatever it takes. Use visuals to aid your sales.