Is There Anything I Can Do For You?

A Powerful Way To End Phone Calls and Meetings

I am asked many times during speaking engagements on what I do when I conclude a call with a client. Additionally, I do many “live chair-sides” where I am either listening to the sales pitch over a phone call and many times I do live one-on-ones with my students and THEIR clients. Often, the salesperson ends the appointment or the phone call the same old way, with a thank you (not distinctive) or a “SKILL” the client might remember you by.

Start right now using . . . “Is there anything I can do for you?”

This very powerful question is an excellent way to conclude any phone call or meeting with prospects or clients. Listen to Sales Student Jim Cauduro, a successful Dallas based Mortgage Consultant and find out what type of results he had after implementing this powerful question.

Chuck’s Professional Sales Tips:

  • “Is there anything I can do for you?” Is one of the very best questions a salesperson can ask. It is best used when concluding a conversation with a client. It will further your sales distinctions with the client.
  • Why? Because rarely do other salespeople ask it?
  • When asking the question, say it with “diaphragm” power in your voice.
  • Ask the question with LOVE in your heart and sincerity.
  • REALLY Listen to the clients response . . .
  • Best when used at the end of a communication.
  • Be prepared to take notes on their reply.