Take This Sales “POP QUIZ” Now!

Welcome back to school… when, every so often, to everyone’s dismay, your teacher would stop right in the middle of class and deliver a POP QUIZ! Understanding the results of this pop quiz could add hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars to your weekly and monthly income.

OK, ready for the POP QUIZ? Here it is:

Consider these five words/phrases and write down the one YOU THINK was the most important to the clients who responded to the same sales survey. (Cue Jeopardy background music.)

  • Manners & Charm
  • Product Knowledge
  • Empathy & Understanding
  • Enthusiasm
  • Fun

The Actual “Client” Survey Results

First off, this survey was totally about your client and really has nothing to do with you, except that the results of the survey can become a learning experience for you . . . and result in an income increase. The survey was taken a couple of years ago, and the clients who responded were asked this important question:

What is the most important item (SKILL?) that you want from the salesperson that you are working with?

These clients, based on their experience with their salesperson, came up with these answers:

  • 51% — Enthusiasm
  • 25% — Empathy & Understanding
  • 10% — Manners & Charm
  •  7% — Fun
  •  7% — Product Knowledge

51% chose ENTHUSIASM, followed by 25% who chose Empathy & Understanding. That means that 76% of the survey respondents chose either Enthusiasm or Empathy. I would call that a sales clue! Bringing up the rear of the pack are Manners, Fun, and Product Knowledge. Yes, Product Knowledge placed LAST in the survey. Okay, be honest—how many of you picked Product Knowledge?

How Do We Improve Enthusiasm and Make It A Daily Habit?

  1. The five people that you spend time with—are they enthusiastic?
  2. Do you eat energy-providing foods on a consistent basis?
  3. Are you fired up about what you do in sales?
  4. Do you have your dream board visually in your office or cube?
  5. Do you have a set daily and weekly income goal of what YOU must make?
  6. Do you have the correct accountability partner?
  7. Do you work on your sales trade outside of your sales time?
  8. Do you consistently read and explore new sales ideas and techniques?
  9. Are you coachable?
  10. Are you happy and smile all the time?

Okay, that took me all of about one minute. So what is your score? Did you answer “Yes” to all 10? Do you need to sharpen your sales saw? Maybe you need to completely start all over… Regardless, ENTHUSIASM was the #1 choice by over 50% of the clients and prospects. Again, this is a BIG CLUE to understanding clients and how to close more sales.

What is your office environment like? Some of the sales departments I work with here in Dallas build their environments around excitement, enthusiasm, and positive motivation—sometimes LOUD motivation. Other offices . . . a funeral home would be louder if they were to compare decibel levels from a noise meter.

By their rating Product Knowledge last, the clients were TELLING YOU something: in most cases, they DON’T CARE about how much you know. Or as I write in my SalesMastery Book of Quotes: “Ignorance on FIRE will always outsell knowledge on ICE!”

Being authentically enthusiastic will always outsell an outpouring of all there is to know about a product. Enthusiasm naturally draws clients to you. Even if you are analytical, a thinker in personality type, you can still convey your enthusiasm for the product and your knowledge about it and transfer that enthusiasm to your clients!

Make it a point to practice becoming more enthusiastic.

Be it on the phone, a live presentation, or communicating by email, text, or brochure, get excited about your product or service and watch your clients become excited too!

6 Responses

  • Chuck,

    About me…I am a 30 year veteran of selling flooring, 5 years outside, 25 years retail.

    As for your question, I chose, “empathy and understanding,” thinking of your YouTube video that suggests asking the question, “Tell me about you.” I did struggle with “enthusiam.”

    Last March my store received a new line of carpet from Beaulieu of America, their new “Bliss” collection. I haven’t been so excited about a carpet line in the last 10 years. I embraced it…got extra sales training from my rep, his regional manger, the website and articles from flooring magazines. The president of Beaulieu came to see our display(we are a premier dealer),I suggested that his sales reps carry “Bliss” chocolate candy with them for added recognition …we all know sales associates LOVE anything to eat. Much to my suprise he made a note and issued a memo to his sales staff! Since then I have been communicating with a VP of sales, sending her emails of my best sales techniques and comments from my clients. Several of stories were also sent to all retailers in the US. I went on the Beaulieu website looking at employment ads. After finding an ad for a Sales Trainer, I knew this was the job for me. Computer skills were needed that I don’t have. I am currently on my third class, mastering Excel. I would make a wonderful trainer/sales rep, creating a new position.

    My question for you,”When should I bring this up to the VP?” Do you think I should finish my classes first?

    Thank you for listening. I am going to put a mirror on my desk, read a Dr Suess book, and try to change the wording on a document from “order” to “investment.”


    Linda Abrams Fleming

    • Linda,

      Many thanks for your note and congratulations on your outy-of-the-box thinking. I am impressed! I also need to apoligize for not commenting sooner as I have been SWAMPED! So, please allow me grace for the time period between your note and my repsonse.

      In regards to the sales trainer position, my suggestion is for you to write a written proposal to the VP or the power to be about your intention of becoming a sales trainer. In the proposal you need to write about the VALUE you bring to the table. As far as your computer skills go, I would not write that into any communication just yet. Get the proposal in and see where it leads you.

      The computer skills as you have seen can be overcome with plenty of free online course, many that Microsoft provides. Way to go on excel, that is the only one that I have yet to figure out however I cheat because one of my staff takes care of it for me.

      Way to “tune in” on some of the trainings here at http://www.chuckbauer.com and if there is anything else I can help you with, please let me know! Speaking of that, you should sign up for SalesFOCUS in January!

      God Speed & Good Selling!

  • Chuck,

    I am somewhat new to the industry. I just got out of the Army in May of 2010 and started with a marketing firm in Houston almost immediately. After selling on the floor for 4 months and closing 38 deals they transferred me to Dallas to build and run their sales team. I am very young and am constantly learning. I would appreciate any specific tips you might have on building the foundation for a sales team. In the mean time I will continue to look over your site.

    Thank you,
    Grant Lang
    Executive Sales Manager
    Gulf Media Solutions

    • Grant – congrats on your success. As you will continue to find out my websites have a ton of free resources that you access to 24/7. https://chuckbauer.com/faststart is a great place to start from. Lynn Barrett will be in touch with you in reagrds to some additional information. We also need to get a mailing address for you. I have a 1/2 day seminar on Feb 24th that you might be able to attend, Lynn will discuss with you. In the meantime, good selling! cb