Have an “Open Door” Policy? Quick! Close it – NOW!
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Have an “Open Door” Policy? Quick! Close it – NOW!

What increases productivity is the quality of your relationships with your staff and employees, rather than the quantity of time and familiarity with them. This one change — focusing on the quality of your business relationships, will boost your company and staff to the top in leadership skills.

Recruiting Mastery: Know The Game You’re In
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Recruiting Mastery: Know The Game You’re In

As I travel across three different countries working with sales managers, executives, business owners, and their sales forces, I find that sales managers and C-Level executives are very ill-equipped to recruit the type of salespeople they need to generate revenue and grow their business. Recruiting comes down to some very basic principles that I will…

Recruiting Mastery: Have A Plan
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Recruiting Mastery: Have A Plan

In my extensive travels in three different countries working with sales executives, I find that many don’t have a plan. When you don’t have a plan, you are subjected to taking the path of least resistance. In recruiting salespeople, taking the path of least resistance typically means that you know somebody who knows somebody… and…

Recruiting Mastery: McQuaig Assessment
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Recruiting Mastery: McQuaig Assessment

We have our recruiting flyer. We have our career package. We’ve done all the right things. We’ve gone through thirty resumes. We’ve done phone interviews with the top ten candidates. We’ve identified the three people to interview. We’ve done the interviews. And we now believe we have found the one person. But there’s one more…